Dr Kevin Austin

Registered Clinical Psychologist

BA · MA (Hons) · DClinPsych
Member of: NZ Psychological Society

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Kevin is a registered clinical psychologist in full-time private practice with a Doctor of Clinical Psychology degree. Kevin’s work largely involves writing psychological reports for the Courts. These include reports pursuant to Section 333 of the Children, Young Persons, and their Families Act, 1989, and Section 38 of the Criminal Procedure (Mentally Impaired Persons) Act, 2003. These answer questions pertaining to fitness to plea and stand trial, risk of reoffending, management of risk, formulation of issues, diagnosis, and treatment recommendations.

Kevin largely furnishes Court reports for Hauora Waikato/Ngaa Ringa Awhina and the Ministry of Justice but is available for additional Court reports. He also provides psychological support to Tamahere Hospital and Healing Centre, a Forensic In-patient Service, largely focused on the treatment of offending risk and psychosis.

Kevin completed his training in 2012 and was awarded a vice-chancellor’s scholarship to carry out research into combining motivational interviewing and cognitive behaviour therapy for offenders. Kevin subsequently worked as a clinical psychologist for the Department of Corrections, Infant, Child, and Adolescent Mental Health Services, and the Child Development Team before moving into private practice. Kevin now runs a full-time private practice in Rotorua, the Bay of Plenty, and the Waikato. He is sometimes available to travel further on request.

Jessica Louder (RN)

Member of: Nurses Society of New Zealand

Jessica Louder is a Registered Nurse with postgraduate training in mental health. Jessica completed her nursing training in 2013 and worked in infant, child, and adolescent mental health. She subsequently worked in the Paediatric Department of Rotorua Hospital and started work as a forensic mental health nurse in late 2020. Jessica has a particular interest in working with children and young people and currently assists with the completion of reports for the Courts.

Dr Kevin Austin - Registered Clinical Psychologist | Rotorua

Kevin Austin

Registered Clinical Psychologist


Taking Referrals


Child and Adolescent Mental Health

The range of mental health and developmental conditions relevant to children and adolescents.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

A developmental disorder that affects communication, social skills, and behaviour.

Neurodevelopmental Disorders

A group of disorders in which the development of the central nervous system is disturbed and result in impaired motor function, learning, language or non-verbal communication.

Medico-legal Report Writing

A written report that summarizes a patient’s medical history, diagnosis, treatment and any relevant medical information